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Story Tables Creative Contest

Writer's picture: Callie MacSaylorCallie MacSaylor

Updated: Jun 19, 2024

Update! The Deadline has been extended until June 30, 2024. We look forward to seeing your work!

Announcing the Second Story Tables Creative Contest! The imagination we’ve seen from students has truly inspired us, and we want to see more! Submit a drawing, painting, story, play, song, video, animation, sculpture, or other creative project inspired by your Story Tables adventures or the world of Isles of Mist!

Work in the following categories will be accepted. See below for guidelines.


Works of fiction must be wholly original, though they may feature existing characters (with the permission of the players who created those characters.) They must be set in the Isles of Mist world, and they may be attributed to an in-character author, though it isn't required. Fiction entries must be between 2,000 and 10,000 words in length.


A chronicle should represent a document that exists within the Isles of Mist world. It should recount events that actually happened and should be attributed to an in-character author. You could present it as a journal, as a report to a superior, or as a news article for an in-game publication. Chronicles must be between 500 and 2000 words. (Longer works should be submitted as fiction, even if they are based on events from actual play!)


Skilled cartographers are always needed to chart the shifting islands of Isles of Mist. If you have drawn a map of a location you adventured in, we want to see it!


Drawings help bring the world to life! You could draw a portrait of your character, a scene from play, a monster, a landscape, or anything else your heart desires.


Any other creative format entry can be submitted in the "Multimedia" category. This could include a song, a video, a sculpture, or anything else that you can dream up. We want to see it!

For inspiration, think about the story you've experienced and the characters and creatures you met along the way. Be creative! If you need inspiration, see a list of idea generation questions on our Inspiration Sheet.

Who: Open to all students age 18 and under who have participated in or are currently in Story Tables.

Entries: Each contestant may submit no more than 2 entries per category.

Due Date: Wednesday, June 19, 2024

How to Submit: Send all submissions by email to Please include a short description of the piece and clearly state which category it is being entered into (Fiction, Chronicle, Map, Art, or Multimedia.) You can also present a physical piece to your Story Guide, as needed. If you have large files to share, do so as a link, rather than attaching them to the email.

Presentation: All entries will be posted in an online gallery on, and selected entries will be included in a newsletter to go out to families mid-summer. We will email out the link once the entries are LIVE. Feel free to share the gallery with friends and family.

Winners Announced: Wednesday, June 26 2024

Merit Award

One Merit Award will be noted in each of the following categories: Fiction, Chronicle, Map, Art, and Multimedia. Each student who earns an Merit Award will receive...

  • $50 in store credit to be applied toward a future Story Tables program

  • A featured spot on the Story Tables Blog and social channels

  • 1 inspiration point that you can immediately add to a character you're playing; this may take you above your current limit!

First Prize

One lucky winner will be chosen out of all the Merit Award winners to instead receive First Prize! If this is you, you will receive...

  • One Free Program - You can attend one Story Tables program free of charge!

  • A featured spot on the Story Tables Blog and social channels

  • 3 inspiration points that you can immediately add to a character you're playing; this may take you above your current limit

  • A single magical pet or magical item to be created with your Story Guide, which your character can earn or find soon, in the game.

We look forward to seeing what you will all come up with!

All files must be in .jpg, .png, .pdf, .mp3, .mp4, .mov, or .avi format and at at least 150dpi. If you are submitting photographs of a physical object, be sure to get it from all angles if possible or include a video turn around.

All entries must be school appropriate.



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